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We are so thankful to be able to gather here in the beautiful Beulah campground! Please help throughout the weekend by picking up and disposing of any trash you see on the grounds or in the buildings. As you leave each service, kindly check the row you are seated in and remove any garbage you find. Please leave your accommodations clean and swept, and tie up any garbage.


Meet our Speaker:

Stephen Weatherby
A graduate of Maritime Christian College, Stephen has been pastoring at New Glasgow Christian Church in PEI since 2021. He enjoys golfing, church history, adding to his impressive Christian resource library, and hosting in his home with his wife Larissa. Stephen is known for his passion and dedication to youth ministry and our Maritime Christian camps. He grew up attending Bayview camp on Deer Island, NB, and is now a very active member of the Board of Canoe Cove in PEI.


Kitchen Help Volunteer Schedule 

(7-8 volunteers please):

Friday Supper: New Brunswick churches

Saturday Breakfast: PEI churches

Saturday Lunch: Nova Scotia churches

Saturday Supper: PEI churches

Sunday Breakfast: Nova Scotia churches

Sunday Lunch: New Brunswick churches

Volunteers please go to the Kitchen 30 minutes before meal time and find Troy Rickard to be assigned a task.


Children and Youth:

Programs for nursery-aged children up to Grade 5 will be offered during the services on Friday evening, Saturday morning and Sunday morning.

It will be mandatory for your child or youth to be wearing a sticker or lanyard identification while checked-in and attending Children's Ministry events.

Children will stay in the service Saturday evening, where activity and colouring sheets will be provided (at the back of the tabernacle).
For each session, children will be dismissed near the end of the
worship portion of the service. Leaders of each program will be
standing at the back with flags to identify themselves.
Please accompany your children to their designated spaces and
sign them in, and sign them out when you pick them up.

Ages 0-3 - Blue flag - Canaan House, #6 on the map

Ages 4-5 - Red flag - McDowell Dorm Common Room, #9 on the map

Grades 1-5 - Yellow flag - Children's Tabernacle, #5 on the map

Grades 6-10 - Upper Room, above the Dining Hall


Camp Bell:

When you hear that camp bell ringing, it is a five minute reminder that a worship service is beginning in the tabernacle.


We are not operating a canteen this year.


We had a helpful roster of volunteers to help plan this year’s Fellowship: Jillian McCann (Children), Bonnie Eadle (Registration), Darlene Ketch (Finance), Nancy Rickard, Katie Stevenson (website and promotion), Gordon Weatherby, Stephen Weatherby, and Nancy Jones.It is a joy to work together to make MCF happen, and we are always looking for more volunteers to step up and help. See one of us if you are interested.


House Rules:

Remember to be respectful of our space here at Beulah. The use / possession of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and non-medicinal drugs is prohibited. 



If you signed out keys, please return to Bonnie Eadle before you leave.


Please allow parents with small children and anyone needing assistance to go first. If you require help, please be seated at your table and your helper can come to the side door of the kitchen to get your meal.

Name Tags:

Committee members have yellow name tags; please see them with any questions. A ‘Kid-Friendly’ yellow star on name tags identifies safe children’s ministry volunteers.


Offering will only be collected once, during the Sunday morning Worship Service. E-Transfers can be sent to or cheques made out to ‘Maritime Christian Fellowship' with envelopes available in the Tabernacle.



Animals are not permitted in any camp building, or on the beach. When dogs are not confined within a cottage or trailer, leashes are always required. Owners are expected to clean up after their pets.


There will be a spot for you to drop in your prayer requests over the course of the weekend. A team of people will be honoured to pray with and for you.

Quiet Time:

Begins at 11:30 pm. The kitchen and chapel will also be closed and locked at that time.


We are being led in worship by Ben Foreman of Sherwood Christian Church in PEI. Team members include Jenaya Pugh-Sharpe and Marcu Sharpe, Dan Foreman, and Greg Sargeson. Thank you, team, for all of your hard work preparing for this weekend!

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